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[NVIDIA] MIG(Multi-Instance-GPU) 설정 및 생성 삭제

by Yoon_estar 2024. 8. 2.

MIG 설정 순서

  1. MIG 활성화
  2. GPU Instance(GI) 생성
  3. Compute Instance(CI) 생성

MIG 활성화 전 확인

# nvidia-smi

MIG 활성화 /비활성화

nvidia-smi -i [활성화할 GPU 번호] -mig [0/1 비활성화 / 활성화]
  • 5번 GPU 활성화
# nvidia-smi -i 5 -mig 1
  • 0번 GPU 비활성화
# nvidia-smi -i 0 -mig 0
  • 활성화 / 비활성화 후 GPU 리셋
# nvidia-smi --gpu-reset
# nvidia-smi

MIG 프로필 확인

  1. GPU : 각 GPU 당 7개씩 MIG 나누어진 것 확인
  2. Instance Free / Total : GI 생성 가능 개수 확인
  3. Memory GIB 유의해서 원하는 만큼 활성화 시키기

이미지를 참고하면 아래 CLI 환경에서 프로필 확인 창을 이해하기 쉽다.

# nvidia-smi mig -lgip

# nvidia-smi mig -lgipp
# nvidia-smi mig -lgipp
GPU  0 Profile ID 19 Placements: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}:1
GPU  0 Profile ID 20 Placements: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}:1
GPU  0 Profile ID 15 Placements: {0,2,4,6}:2
GPU  0 Profile ID 14 Placements: {0,2,4}:2
GPU  0 Profile ID  9 Placements: {0,4}:4
GPU  0 Profile ID  5 Placement : {0}:4
GPU  0 Profile ID  0 Placement : {0}:8
GPU  1 Profile ID 19 Placements: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}:1
GPU  1 Profile ID 20 Placements: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}:1
GPU  1 Profile ID 15 Placements: {0,2,4,6}:2
GPU  1 Profile ID 14 Placements: {0,2,4}:2
GPU  1 Profile ID  9 Placements: {0,4}:4
GPU  1 Profile ID  5 Placement : {0}:4
GPU  1 Profile ID  0 Placement : {0}:8

MIG GI(GPU Instance) 생성

MIG 프로필 ID로 생성

  • GPU를 선택하지 않으면 0번 GPU로 자동 할당된다.
# nvidia-smi mig -cgi 15
  • GPU를 선택하면 선택한 GPU로 할당된다.
# nvidia-smi mig -i 6 -cgi 19
Successfully created GPU instance ID 13 on GPU  6 using profile MIG 1g.10gb (ID 19)
  • 조회 (GI생성 확인)
# nvidia-smi mig -lgi
| GPU instances:                                        |
| GPU   Name             Profile  Instance   Placement  |
|                          ID       ID       Start:Size |
|   6  MIG 1g.10gb         19       13          6:1     |
|   7  MIG 4g.40gb          5        1          0:4     |
|   7  MIG 1g.20gb         15        6          6:2     |

MIG 이름로 생성

  • # nvidia-smi mig -lgip 에서 나온 이름으로 생성한다.


# nvidia-smi mig -lgip

| GPU instance profiles:                                                      |
| GPU   Name             ID    Instances   Memory     P2P    SM    DEC   ENC  |
|                              Free/Total   GiB              CE    JPEG  OFA  |
|   6  MIG 1g.10gb       19     6/7        9.75       No     16     1     0   |
|                                                             1     1     0   |
|   6  MIG 1g.10gb+me    20     1/1        9.75       No     16     1     0   |
|                                                             1     1     1   |
|   6  MIG 1g.20gb       15     3/4        19.62      No     26     1     0   |
|                                                             1     1     0   |
|   6  MIG 2g.20gb       14     3/3        19.62      No     32     2     0   |
|                                                             2     2     0   |
|   6  MIG 3g.40gb        9     1/2        39.38      No     60     3     0   |
|                                                             3     3     0   |
|   6  MIG 4g.40gb        5     1/1        39.38      No     64     4     0   |
|                                                             4     4     0   |
|   6  MIG 7g.80gb        0     0/1        79.12      No     132    7     0   |
|                                                             8     7     1   |
  • nvidia-smi mig -i [GPU 번호] -cgi [2. instance Name]

[실습 1] 단일 생성

# nvidia-smi mig -i 6 -cgi 1g.10gb
Successfully created GPU instance ID 11 on GPU  6 using profile MIG 1g.10gb (ID 19)


[실습 2] 다중 생성

# nvidia-smi mig -cgi 1g.10gb,”MIG 1g.10gb”
Successfully created GPU instance ID  9 on GPU  5 using profile MIG 1g.10gb (ID 19)
Successfully created GPU instance ID  7 on GPU  5 using profile MIG 1g.10gb (ID 19)
  • MIG GI 추가 확인
    • 6번 GPU에 Instance ID 11번 추가됨
# nvidia-smi mig -lgi
| GPU instances:                                        |
| GPU   Name             Profile  Instance   Placement  |
|                          ID       ID       Start:Size |
|   6  MIG 1g.10gb         19       11          4:1     |
|   7  MIG 4g.40gb          5        1          0:4     |
|   7  MIG 1g.20gb         15        6          6:2     |

CI(Compute Instance) 생성

  • CI를 생성할 GI 조회
    • 1. GPU 번호(6,7)  Instance ID(11, 13, 1, 6)
# nvidia-smi mig -lgi
| GPU instances:                                        |
| GPU   Name             Profile  Instance   Placement  |
|                          ID       ID       Start:Size |
|   6  MIG 1g.10gb         19       11          4:1     |
|   7  MIG 4g.40gb          5        1          0:4     |
|   7  MIG 1g.20gb         15        6          6:2     |
  • nvidia-smi mig -i [1. GPU 번호] -cci -gi [2. Instance ID]

[실습 1] 단일 생성

# nvidia-smi mig -i 6 -cci -gi 11
Successfully created compute instance ID  0 on GPU  6 GPU instance ID 11 using profile MIG 1g.
10gb (ID  0)


[실습 2] 다중 생성

# nvidia-smi mig -i 7 -cci -gi 1,6
Successfully created compute instance ID  0 on GPU  7 GPU instance ID  1 using profile MIG 1g.10gb (ID  0)
Successfully created compute instance ID  0 on GPU  7 GPU instance ID  6 using profile MIG 1g.10gb (ID  0)
  • 확인(전체)
# nvidia-smi mig -lci
| Compute instances:                                                 |
| GPU     GPU       Name             Profile   Instance   Placement  |
|       Instance                       ID        ID       Start:Size |
|         ID                                                         |
|   6     11       MIG 1g.10gb          0         0          0:1     |
|   7      1       MIG 4g.40gb          3         0          0:4     |
|   7      6       MIG 1g.20gb          7         0          0:2     |
  • 확인(원하는 GPU만)
# nvidia-smi mig -i 7 -lci
| Compute instances:                                                 |
| GPU     GPU       Name             Profile   Instance   Placement  |
|       Instance                       ID        ID       Start:Size |
|         ID                                                         |
|   7      1       MIG 4g.40gb          3         0          0:4     |
|   7      6       MIG 1g.20gb          7         0          0:2     |

MIG GI & MIG CI 동시 생성

  • 사전 작업으로 2번 GPU 활성화 시켜준다.
# nvidia-smi -i 2 -mig 1
Enabled MIG Mode for GPU 00000000:3F:00.0

Warning: persistence mode is disabled on device 00000000:3F:00.0. See the Known Issues section
 of the nvidia-smi(1) man page for more information. Run with [--help | -h] switch to get more
 information on how to enable persistence mode.
All done.
  • nvidia-smi mig -i [1. GPU 번호] -cci -gi [2. Profile ID] -C
# nvidia-smi mig -i 2 -cgi 19 -C

Successfully created GPU instance ID 13 on GPU  2 using profile MIG 1g.10gb (ID 19)
Successfully created compute instance ID  0 on GPU  2 GPU instance ID 13 using profile MIG 1g.
10gb (ID  0)
  • 확인(2번 GPU 생성 확인) - GI
# nvidia-smi mig -lgi
| GPU instances:                                        |
| GPU   Name             Profile  Instance   Placement  |
|                          ID       ID       Start:Size |
|   2  MIG 1g.10gb         19       13          6:1     |
|   6  MIG 1g.10gb         19       11          4:1     |
|   7  MIG 4g.40gb          5        1          0:4     |
|   7  MIG 1g.20gb         15        6          6:2     |
  • 확인(2번 GPU 생성 확인) - CI
# nvidia-smi mig -lci
| Compute instances:                                                 |
| GPU     GPU       Name             Profile   Instance   Placement  |
|       Instance                       ID        ID       Start:Size |
|         ID                                                         |
|   2     13       MIG 1g.10gb          0         0          0:1     |
|   6     11       MIG 1g.10gb          0         0          0:1     |
|   7      1       MIG 4g.40gb          3         0          0:4     |
|   7      6       MIG 1g.20gb          7         0          0:2     |

MIG 활성화, MIG GI & CI 순서대로 생성 후 MIG 생성됐는지 확인

# nvidia-smi
| MIG devices:                                                                            |
| GPU  GI  CI  MIG |                     Memory-Usage |        Vol|      Shared           |
|      ID  ID  Dev |                       BAR1-Usage | SM     Unc| CE ENC DEC OFA JPG    |
|                  |                                  |        ECC|                       |
|  2    1   0   0  |              51MiB / 40320MiB    | 32      0 |  4   0    4    0    4 |
|                  |                 0MiB / 65535MiB  |           |                       |


  • nvidia-smi mig -dci -i [1.Compute GPU] -gi [2. GPU Instance ID]

[실습 1] 단일 삭제 

# nvidia-smi mig -dci -i 7 -gi 6
Successfully destroyed compute instance ID  0 from GPU  7 GPU instance ID  6
  • 확인
# nvidia-smi mig -lci
| Compute instances:                                                 |
| GPU     GPU       Name             Profile   Instance   Placement  |
|       Instance                       ID        ID       Start:Size |
|         ID                                                         |
|   2     13       MIG 1g.10gb          0         0          0:1     |
|   6     11       MIG 1g.10gb          0         0          0:1     |
|   7      1       MIG 4g.40gb          3         0          0:4     |


[실습 2] 다중 삭제

# nvidia-smi mig -dci -i 5 -gi 7,9
Successfully destroyed compute instance ID  0 from GPU  5 GPU instance ID  7
Successfully destroyed compute instance ID  0 from GPU  5 GPU instance ID  9


  • nvidia-smi mig -dgi -i [1.Compute GPU] -gi [2.Instance ID]
  • 조회
# nvidia-smi mig -lgi
| GPU instances:                                        |
| GPU   Name             Profile  Instance   Placement  |
|                          ID       ID       Start:Size |
|   2  MIG 1g.10gb         19       13          6:1     |
|   6  MIG 1g.10gb         19       11          4:1     |
|   7  MIG 4g.40gb          5        1          0:4     |
|   7  MIG 1g.20gb         15        6          6:2     |


[실습 1] 단일 삭제

# nvidia-smi mig 2 -dgi -gi 13


[실습 2] 다중 삭제

# nvidia-smi mig -dci -i 5 -gi 7,9
Successfully destroyed compute instance ID  0 from GPU  5 GPU instance ID  7
Successfully destroyed compute instance ID  0 from GPU  5 GPU instance ID  9


[실습 3] 전체 삭제

# nvidia-smi mig -dci
Successfully destroyed compute instance ID  0 from GPU  2 GPU instance ID 13
Successfully destroyed compute instance ID  0 from GPU  6 GPU instance ID 11
Successfully destroyed compute instance ID  0 from GPU  7 GPU instance ID  1
# nvidia-smi mig -dgi
Successfully destroyed GPU instance ID 13 from GPU  2
Successfully destroyed GPU instance ID 11 from GPU  6
Successfully destroyed GPU instance ID  1 from GPU  7
Successfully destroyed GPU instance ID  6 from GPU  7
  • 조회
# nvidia-smi mig -lci
No GPU instances found: Not Found

# nvidia-smi mig -lgi
No GPU instances found: Not Found



Trouble shooting

  • GI 먼저 삭제하면 삭제가 안된다. 
  • 지우는 순서는 생성 역순으로 CI 지우고 GI 지우고 비활성화